Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Uniform followup

* The Uniwatch blog sounds off on the new/old Twins uniforms. He applauds the new road look, loves the 1961 model, hates the other alternates and gives a mild thumbs up to the standard home whites.

* According to Marc Okkonen's book "Baseball Uniforms of the 20th Century," the Twins abandoned the blue lettering/red outline look after the 1971 season. So it's been 38 years.

* There is, apparently, a great deal of sentiment for going to the 1961 look as the standard home uniform.

Dave St. Peter, team president, quoted in the Star Tribune:

I suspect there will be a heavy dose of lobbying to make that our permanent home uniform. ... We don't think our uniforms are broken. We have to remember we won not one but two world championships wearing that home white uniform. We feel as though that remains one of the classiest uniforms in Major League Baseball.

What he DOESN't say is: We spent a lot of money putting that tweaked stylized script Twins over the scoreboard in the new park. If you think we're trashing that after one season, you're nuts.

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