It's enough to make one giddy.
Mauer's batting average is now .429.
He's 7 for 9 over the last two games, and so what if he has just one extra-base hit in that span? It's still an .888 slugging percentage.
It takes 205 plate appearances for a Twins player to qualify for the batting title right now, and he has 185, 20 shy. If you charged him with 20 hitless at-bats, he'd be hitting .381 — which would lead the American League.
His slugging percentage right now is .756. Charge him with 20 empty at-bats, and it's .670 — and yes, that would lead the league (Mark Teixeira is the official leader at .618).
His slugging percentage right now is .756. Charge him with 20 empty at-bats, and it's .670 — and yes, that would lead the league (Mark Teixeira is the official leader at .618).
If he went 0-for-58, Mauer would still be hitting .300.
Denard Span has been put on the DL and Jason Pridie recalled. Had to happen. The Twins played Michael Cuddyer in center a bit on the road trip, but that was on grass. They need a legitimate center fielder in reserve in the Dome with its artifical turf.
Denard Span has been put on the DL and Jason Pridie recalled. Had to happen. The Twins played Michael Cuddyer in center a bit on the road trip, but that was on grass. They need a legitimate center fielder in reserve in the Dome with its artifical turf.
if my math is correct and Mauer hit .317 (his career average coming into this season) for the rest of the year (assuming his current AB/game ratio) he would end up at .351.
ReplyDeletealthough i don't know when he will slow down since he managed to raise his average 15 points in one night.